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Moving to Dallas! First stop: Tallahassee, FL

We officially moved today. It’s been a slow and fast process. Since April we have known that this was what was next for us, and pressed forward in the new opportunity that God brought our way. There have been days that we were anxious excited and wished we had already begun the moving process, but now that we are on our way to Texas, it has been difficult to say good-bye.

When I left for FSU at 18, I never wanted to return to Melbourne. I loved my family, but I saw Melbourne and even staying in Florida as a dead-end. Yet, when graduation day came in 2010, I found myself choosing to return to live in Melbourne. I knew in my heart that that was where God wanted me, even if it made no sense to me at the time.

So much has changed in the past 5 years. I met and married my husband, adopted two of the cutest dogs God ever made, painted and renovated a house that became a home, worked for my church, grew closer with my family, and met some of the most amazing people that I hope to call lifelong friends. By choosing to be obedient to God, though it was hard at the time to understand what He was thinking or what He saw, I was blessed beyond my wildest imaginings.

As I sit in my hotel room in Tallahassee, I know God is reminding me that what He did in Melbourne and Tallahassee for me, He will continue to do in Dallas. He won’t leave me or forsake me. He has a plan, and just because He has chosen not to give me the agenda doesn’t mean I should doubt or begin to question if He has good things in mind for me.

Today has been filled with many tears, a full-blown panic attack, and feeling of numbing sadness; yet, in the midst of all this I have also been cuddled and comforted by my two “therapy dogs” and been prayed over by my loving husband. Buttercup and Rosie laid on my chest almost the entire second part of the drive to Tallahassee. It’s also a great day when I get to return to my alma mater, and visit the places I frequented so often five years ago.

What I love about returning to FSU and other places I have called home, is how some things never change. There is an air of familiarity that never leaves, even if a first-class apartment building is built down the block from the Westcott, or they finally get a Dunkin Donuts on campus!!! Tennessee Street will always be a traffic nightmare to some degree, getting the first glimpse of the Westcott Fountain from Monroe Street still makes me smile, and walking around taking in the beauty of the campus never gets old, even if the extreme heat makes me sweat through my clothes. Rosie, my younger puggle, loved FSU so much she decided to take a swim in the Westcott Fountain. She is officially FSU’s Seminole Puggle representative! Tonight we are having an FSU classic: Gumby’s Pizza and world famous Pokey Stix. Saying good bye is tough, but pizza and pokey stix should help.

Next stop tomorrow on the journey will be to New Orleans! Stay tuned for more Miller updates.

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